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Plant details

Zizyphus mucronata

Plant use

Disease/ Afflicted area

Cultural use, medical treatment

Maasai name



Scientific (Latin) name

Zizyphus mucronata

Part used

Common name

Buffalo thorn

Maasai translation: ore ena hani naakeji engoilalei, ore engoilalei naa sidan amu kinya irmomo kulo matunda lenyena nekinya nekiok indana pee eretoki iyiook tengaraki emoyian ejapatishu ortung’ani neretoki toongung’ ortung’ani aya ingung’, ore engai sii nibirihore irkulie enaa iloibono iamini aajo inaweza kutokea pee itau engong’u toongishu au toongulie tokiting’ pee itibirie armarie lenye.

Swahili translation: hii miti inaitwa engoilalei,hii miti ni nzuri maana tunakula mbegu ya matunda tunakula na kunywa mizizi yake ndio inatusaidia wakati ya ugonjwa ya magoti ya mguu ya mtu,pia waganga wanaamini itatoa macho ya ngombe ndio watengeneze boma zao.

English translation: This tree is called engoilalei, This tree is good because we eat the fruits and drink the roots. Iit helps in sickness in joints for people, also the magician believes it removes the eyes of the cow so it builds their homes.

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